Sunday, 11 September 2011

It's a Sunday #02

Hello, it's been a while hasn't it? What a busy past few weeks I've had.

Before I went out to dinner with the boyf, I look slightly weird and fake... Oh well.

I went on holiday to Norfolk last week, it was lush. I've been holidaying in Norfolk for as long as I can remember. Sooo many memories there, we stayed in the center of Holt if any of you know the area?

I also went out for a lovely meal with the boyfriend and his family and their friends, it was such and good night and the food was amaaazing. Nom.

At Cromer, the waves were splashing up over the walls, see the person hiding in the hood? That's me... Getting wet. Useless coat.

This past week ssomething pretty momentous happened in my life. I started sixth form. This may seem like a normal thing to most people, but not to me. I haven't mentioned much about my life on this blog, but here's some info on me. For the past 5/6 years I've been ill and trying to recover from M.E. M.E is a really crappy illness. Everyone who has it, has different symptoms and suffers differently. I can't say 'when you have M.E you get this, this and this'. It doesn't work that way, I can only speak from my experiences. I started getting symptoms in year 3/4 of primary school, I kept getting tonsillitis (all the time, literally), my ligaments would tear for no reason, I'd get so freakishly tired, stuff like that. When I got into year 7 everything took a big turn for the worse, to cut a long story short, I ended up bedridden for pretty much a whole 2 years. I lost all contact with friends, my family kind of forgot I was there, I never took part in anything. I just sat in my room, in the dark, on my own. I could barely talk, move or eat. Now, the good thing about M.E is it wont kill you and it can go away. Which thankfully mine has, mostly anyway. But no, the shittyness doesn't stop there. I may be well again, but I missed my entire secondary school education and all the socialising that comes with being a teenager. Brilliant. Fortunately, I found that all the school worky stuff came quite easily to me. I managed to get all C's and a B which I am immensely proud of! But the big struggle I've been having is the social side of things. Being out of the loop for 2 weeks is bad enough let alone 5 years. My confidence with people is shot to bits. But I'm working on that. I really hope this doesn't sound like i'm moaning, cos I'm not. I feel so lucky to have gotten better.
Ooh also, as a reward for my exam results, I got the Naked palette... I'm in love to say the least! Can't believe it took me so long to get it!

How's your week been? :)

Thanks for reading.
Jess xx
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